Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Are you planning to recommend that clients have ACCESS THE RAW DATA (Big Data)??? Or are you planning on recommending analysis on that Big Data be performed and that analysis be - Tutorie

Are you planning to recommend that clients have ACCESS THE RAW DATA (Big Data)??? Or are you planning on recommending analysis on that Big Data be performed and that analysis be



Are you planning to recommend that clients have ACCESS THE RAW DATA (Big Data)??  Or are you planning on recommending analysis on that Big Data be performed and that analysis be presented as a FINISHED PRODUCT to clients?? 

If you are planning on recommending your client allow many customers to access your client's raw data, then how big is the Helpdesk your client will probably need and how big does your network throughput need to be to allow customer-access?  And what about Security?  If your client's business is mostly in the cloud – are you comfortable the recommended CSP is going to provide sufficient security?  If you are mostly NOT recommending the cloud – what's your general plan for Security? 

[Answers will vary of course. Do NOT GOOGLE an answer, tell us what YOU plan to recommend to your client.]

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