In what ways do Hanvey’s 5 dimensions promote the development of a global perspective? Provide concrete examples from the readings to demonstrate how each dimension contributes to or hinders the development of a global mindset. Analyze how these dimensions interact with one another and to what extent they address the challenges of global education.
1. Analyze the relationship between global education and national identity as presented by Graham Pike in “Global Education and National Identity: In Pursuit of Meaning .” Discuss how global education can both challenge and reinforce national identity, incorporating key concepts from the text. Explore how this dynamic impacts the broader field of global education.
Please remember: This section uses Habits of Mind Download Habits of Mind. As you engage in the course readings and assignments, please incorporate these habits into your thinking strategies and indicate which habits of mind were helpful to you on the modules’ readings. Please use the following questions as a guideline for reflective writing in your weekly assignments and discussions: 1) As you recall the habits of mind (HoM), which ones do you think you use most?, 2) Was this a new habit of mind? Or was it one you have already mastered?
· Type of Assignment: Individual
· Criteria for Evaluation: Weekly Assignment Rubric (PDF) Download Weekly Assignment Rubric (PDF)
· How to Submit Assignment: Each student will post the answers to the questions posed by the instructor in Journal 1.