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AMU Wk 2 Sweets Bakery & Café New Employee Orientation Presentation

Because the company is growing and adding more employees, Lucky Fellows—the CFO for Sweets Bakery & More—wants all employee orientations to be more consistent than they have been in the past. He has started a list of topics to be covered. Mr. Fellows has asked you to complete the list and create a PowerPoint presentation. He also wants you to include a new employee benefit: Profit Sharing—Five percent of net profits will be shared with employees.

Sweets Bakery & Café – New Employee Orientation
History of Sweets Bakery & More
Started in Houston in 1995
Serve specialty breads, breakfast sweets, desserts
Organization People:
Nichole Silver, Chief Baker
Patricia Williams, Executive Chef
Sam Taylor, CEO
Lucky Fellows, CFO
Employee Benefits:
Health Insurance
Life Insurance
Retirement Benefits
Educational Opportunities
Performance Review:
Review Process
Tax forms
Insurance forms
Beneficiary forms
Retirement forms

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