After watching the entire season 1 all (6 episodes) Colin in Black & White-Netflix
write a overall 3-4 double spaced page reaction of the short series or simply record a 3-5 minute video reaction/review and submit it.
If you decide to record a 3-5 minute video please be sure the link you send or video you send works please submit video link into the assignment submission page here, you can also submit it via text message 630-991-0559, and email
- Describe the Short series (season 1) in general terms. What topics does it cover? What issues did it raise? What do you see as the main purpose of the first series?
- What are the major theme(s) of the first series?
- Relate the film to class discussions, readings, notes or knowledge. Dies the series seem historically (or factually) accurate and realistic? Does it contradict or support anything you have learned throughout the course?
- Summarize briefly emphasizing the strengths and weaknesses of series 1.
- What was an ah ha moment or wow “I didn’t expect that” after watching the short series part 1?