Each profession requires a unique combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities that differentiates it from other professions. The human services profession is no different. Becoming an effective advanced human services professional practitioner requires that you develop knowledge, skills, and abilities in many targeted areas, including social policy, information literacy, and program planning and evaluation.

For this Journal Assignment, you complete two professional assessments, which will help you determine the knowledge, skills, and abilities you already possess and those that you need to develop to be an effective leader in the field. Keep in mind that that you may have many gaps in your knowledge, skills, and abilities, given that you are just beginning your program of study. This is normal and can serve as a useful tool throughout the rest of the program to focus your efforts on those areas that require further development.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



  • Complete the O*Net Interest Profiler, and review your results. Reflect on how your interests might influence the skills and abilities that come naturally to you. For instance, if you scored high on social interests, skills and abilities related to working with people may come more easily to you.
  • Complete the Human Services Assessment. Identify your strengths and limitations related to each of the categories in the assessment. Consider how your strengths and limitations in each area could influence your effectiveness as an advanced human services professional practitioner in a leadership position.


Submit a 1- to 2-page journal entry that addresses the following:

  • Based on the results of your human services assessment:
  • Describe two knowledge areas, skills, and/or abilities that you currently possess that could contribute to your effectiveness as an advanced human services professional practitioner in a leadership position. Explain how.
  • Describe two knowledge areas, skills, and/or abilities that you need to develop further to be an effective advanced human services professional practitioner in a leadership position. Explain two strategies you could use to develop the knowledge areas, skills, and/or abilities.


My Next Move. (2020).O*Net interest profilerLinks to an external site. [Interactive media]. to an external site.

Human Services Assessment

The following table includes statements about human services knowledge areas, skills, and abilities in the categories of Historical Perspectives and Emerging Trends; Human Systems; Human Services Delivery Systems; Disciplined Inquiry and Information Literacy; Program Planning and Evaluation; Administrative Leadership; and Legal and Ethical Practices.* Select whether you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, or strongly disagree with each statement. Afterward, note the areas where you agree/strongly agree (these are your strengths) and the areas where you disagree/strongly disagree (these are your gaps). Then use this self-assessment worksheet to complete your Week 9 Assignment.

The statements in the table are excerpted from the following resource:

Council for Standards in Human Services Education. (2019, July). National standards master’s degree in human services.

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Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Historical Perspectives and Emerging Trends

I am familiar with historical and current legislation affecting services delivery.

I understand how public and private attitudes influence legislation and the interpretation of polices related to human services.

I have been exposed to a number of socio-political ideologies and understand how they influence human services delivery.

I can analyze and interpret historical data for application in advocacy and social change.

Human Systems

I understand how administrators work with groups (e.g., boards of directors, community groups, public officials, or client/consumer advisory groups).

I understand changing family structures and roles.

I am familiar with the organizational structures of communities.

I understand the capacities, limitations, and resiliency of human systems.

I understand the context and role of diversity (including, but not limited to ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation and identity, age, learning styles, ability, and socioeconomic status) in determining and meeting human needs.

I know how to effect social change through advocacy work at all levels of society including community development, community and grassroots organizing, and local and global activism.

Human Services Delivery Systems

I understand the range and characteristics of human services delivery systems and organizations.

I understand the range of populations served and needs addressed by human services.

I understand the major models used to conceptualize and integrate prevention, maintenance, intervention, rehabilitation, and healthy functioning.

I am familiar with the economic and social class systems, including systemic causes of poverty.

I am familiar with the political and ideological aspects of human services.

I understand the local and global influences on human service delivery.

I know how to effect and influence social policy.

I am able to effectively deal with conflict on varying levels of human service delivery systems.

Disciplined Inquiry and Information Literacy

I know how to obtain information through observation and research.

I have respect for confidentiality and the appropriate and ethical use of professionally relevant data.

I know how to assess the significance, relevance, timeliness, adequacy, accuracy, and validity of information provided by others.

I know how to compile, synthesize, and categorize information and present it orally or in writing to clients, colleagues, or other members of related services systems and to utilize the information for community education and public relations.

I have information literacy, including skills to effectively locate, evaluate, and utilize information through library databases, the world wide web, and other electronic resources.

I am familiar with methods, statistics, quantitative and qualitative research, and the application of technology.

I know how to engage in critical thinking for analysis, problem solving, synthesis, decision making, and predicting outcomes.

Program Planning and Evaluation

I know how to plan and design programs.

I know how to implement programs.

I know how to evaluate programs.

I have the knowledge, theory, and skills to perform a community-needs assessment.

Administrative Leadership

I understand organizational management.

I know how to employ and supervise staff.

I understand operational and strategic planning including assessment practices.

I know how to develop budgets and monitor expenditures.

I understand fund development and fundraising (grants, special events, major gifts, etc.) and contract negotiation.

I understand legal/regulatory issues and risk management.

I know how to support the professional development of staff.

I know how to recruit and manage volunteers.

I know how to use constituency building and other advocacy techniques such as lobbying, grassroots movements, and community development and organizing.

I understand the mission, vision, and ethical responsibilities of organizations and society as outlined by the Ethical Standards of the National Organization for Human Services.

Legal and Ethical Practices

I have respect for confidentiality of information.

I recognize that individuals, services systems, and society change.

I am familiar with interprofessional approaches to problem solving.

I have respect for appropriate professional boundaries.

I am able to maintain behavior that is congruent with the values and ethics of the profession as outlined by the Ethical Standards of the National Organization for Human Services.