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Adopt-a-Country Opening Report about Ghana

Adopt-a-Country Opening Report about Ghana, which is your country, this report should include the following list:

1. a little historical information,

2. significant events/accomplishments of your country and its peoples,

3. a map of the country showing its location in relation to its neighbors and the world and discuss how it influences its neighbors and how it is influenced by its neighboring countries,

4. a picture of the country’s flag with a discussion of what its elements and colors represent,

5. the country’s Press Freedom Index number. This is a number assigned by Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans Frontiers) – go to note the country’s ranking is to the left of the country’s name and the ranking starts off with the number 1, the best ranking. For example, in 2021, Norway is 1, the United States is 44, etc.,

6. a summary of why your country received its ranking (good or bad) – you can click on your country within the ranking list to get this information, give an example,

7. a short summary of the organization Reporters Without Borders (Reporters Sans frontiers) its mission and what it does around the world, how it helps journalists and give an example of one of its actions/initiatives (can be found under “Our Actions and Solutions”).

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