Chat with us, powered by LiveChat This is going to be the first assignment where we are going to work somewhat outside the textbook. - Tutorie

This is going to be the first assignment where we are going to work somewhat outside the textbook.

This is going to be the first assignment where we are going to work somewhat outside the textbook. I think the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a perfect example of the issues with finding justice on the international level.

Please write a 1,500 – 3,000-word essay on the international law violations you see in the Ukraine and what can or cannot be done to provide justice. Please use only the textbook as the basis for your arguments. What I mean by that is, yes, please cite to those places where you find the legal violation, or alleged legal violation. I get that that many of your outside citations are going to be news articles. Please make sure you cite to a credible organization and not Snuffy’s Blog. Then use the case law, treaties, and statutes in the textbook to support your argument.

When thinking of a topic to write on. think, international criminal law, law of the sea, law of war, international human rights law, among others, but these are good starting points. But there may also be something in the notion that Russia has been firing tank shells at nuclear reactors in Ukraine. International environmental law? There is so much going on I could probably read 45 completely different papers.

Be creative and pick something you are interested in. It helps with your motivation to write the paper because you are really engaged with the topic.

There is a rubric for scoring in the rubrics tab. It will be used for both essays. Please use 12-point font. I do not care what font style you use so long as it appears professional, and I can read it. Please double-space your essays to make it easier on my aging eyes. Essay Rubric-4.pdf

Please do not forget the University has writing resources and the folks at the writing lab are great.

I am here to help you all and so are they. So, if you want an extra pair of eyes to help you out, please reach out to the writing lab!

Student Resources ( (Links to an external site.)

Be thoughtful, be creative, and best of luck!

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