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Here is a recording to show how to lay out your skull.

Here is a recording to show how to lay out your skull. to an external site.

Animal Skull Drawing: Charcoal

The next drawing will be challenging.

You will be doing a charcoal drawing of a skull.

A skull is purely organic shapes so your value shifts will be subtle.

You will start your drawing as you have learned:

Choose from the images that follow
Spend time just looking at the skull
Your drawing should be life size and should fill the paper appropriately.
Lay done an overall light to medium tone with soft “vine” charcoal.
Lay in an envelope shape for placement on the paper
Look for angles of central axis and minor axis.
Find a shape or a measurement on the skull to use for site sizing
Start with simple geometric shapes, circles and ovals to place major shapes.
Slowly build your forms.
Check and double check your proportions.
Slowly build your forms with value
**Upload to canvas at transparent drawing stage

Supplies and parameters:

Full sheet of Strathmore or mixed media paper

Soft or 6B compressed charcoal sticks

Soft vine charcoal, (package)

Kneaded eraser

White rubber eraser


Blending stumps

Charcoal pencils, ( 3B-6B) Only use towards end of drawing for detail lines

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