Scenario 1: Increasing Staff to Complete the First Phase of a Project
HR must determine how many employees are needed for each project. In order to use employees effectively it is important to know when each project ends and so those employees can be moved to different assignments. The training solutions employees would be responsible for rolling out this new training program. Based on the organization chart, it appears that all of the trainers are already assigned to other projects. Therefore, we would need to recruit additional training solutions to employees.
The existing recruitment policies state that current employees who do not have a relevant work assignment must be considered for internal job openings before being terminated. Therefore, the recruitment of internal talent would be the first priority. It is also required that approval is obtained from several different higher-ups before HR can recruit any new employees, subcontractors, or reassign staff. Obtaining permission from multiple upper-level managers can delay the job requisitions being posted and result in the positions being open longer than anticipated.
The recruitment strategy is to post internal job openings in the HR database for interested employees to apply for the openings. I would also take internal recommendations to recruit for the positions. For external applicants, I would hire a recruitment firm.
Lumen Learning (n.d.). Selection and Placement Strategies. Retrieved March 08, 2019, from
Lumen Learning (n.d.). Recruitment. Retrieved March 08, 2019, from
Lumen Learning (n.d.). Selecting and Evaluating Employees. Retrieved March 08, 2019, from