Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Conduct internet research and give examples, support, and explain your answers and positions.? What is the power structure in your organization?? Doe - Tutorie

Conduct internet research and give examples, support, and explain your answers and positions.? What is the power structure in your organization?? Doe

Conduct internet research and give examples, support, and explain your answers and positions. 

  1. What is the power structure in your organization? 
  2. Does the power structure match the organizational structure? (Who really has the power?) 
  3. How is conflict handled within the organization? 
  4. Is conflict viewed as a growth opportunity or as a nuisance? 
  5. Does conflict lead to change? If not, what initiates change in your organization? 


Meadows, D. H. (2008). Thinking in systems: A primer (D. Wright, Ed.). Chelsea Green Publishing. 

Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization (Revised and updated). Doubleday/Currency. 

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