Imagine that you are on the same project team for the new IT system for the Millennia HealthCenter (MHC) that you were on for Project One and Project Two. The new software system that you created the system requirements specifications and the implementation plan for has successfully gone through all of the testing tasks in the testing phase. Before you implement and release the new system, the application development team and the project’s stakeholders would like you to give them a quick presentation on the overall solution.
Create a 4-page presentation about the solution, the newly implemented software system for MHC. In your presentation, you must:
Introduce the system, its name, its purpose, and the problems that it will solve.
Highlight the main features of the system.
Demonstrate what the system will do and its functionality. (Although you won’t physically demonstrate the functionality of the system, describe how the system would function if you were to demonstrate it to the stakeholders.)
Explain the potential capabilities for the system, and the future direction that the system could go in.
If you use MS PowerPoint to complete this activity, it is recommended that you leave notes to account for what you would be speaking. Your visual should be uncluttered, and the Notes section in PowerPoint is a great way to build on your ideas without adding more text to your slides. You may find this resource helpful: Add Speaker Notes to Your Slides.
What to Submit
Submit a presentation document. You can use whatever technology tool you prefer to create the presentation, but your file should upload as a .ppt or .pdf file.