- Review the case you analyzed in Weeks 3, 6, and 7 from the Case Scenarios media.
- Imagine that you are the individual featured in the case you analyzed, and then complete the AUDIT and DAST-10 screening tools.
Submit a 3-page paper in which you reflect on the screening tool and screening and assessment process. Be sure to include the following elements in your paper:
Screening Tools:
- Briefly describe the AUDIT and DAST-10 screening tools and explain what information the tools can and cannot provide about a client.
Reflection From the Client’s Perspective:
- How do you imagine the individual featured in your case would feel answering the screening questions? What do you know about the client’s background that informs your understanding of how they might feel?
Reflection From the Social Worker’s Perspective:
- How might it feel for a social worker to administer these screening tools to the individual featured in your case?
- How would you describe the strengths and limitations of the use of these screening tools with the individual featured in your case?
- How could a social worker use the screening results to inform their next steps in the assessment process with the individual featured in your case?
Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.
- Van Wormer, K., & Davis, D. R. (2018). Addiction treatment: A strengths perspective (4th ed.). Cengage Learning.
- Chapter 7, “Screening and Assessment” (pp. 295–312)
- University of Missouri-Kansas City | SBIRT. (n.d.). Validated screening forms.Links to an external site. https://www.sbirt.care/tools.aspx
Myths and Facts activity
Zuleika Rosa
Walden University
Reflection on Myths and Facts Activity
Another common misconception that I once bought into was the concept of ‘rock bottom’ meaning that substance users cannot guided until they reach this point. This understanding, which had been widely propagated in popular culture and supported by the success stories, felt logical to me. The thought of having to drive a man to hopelessness to a point where he sees the need to change seemed logical. In this activity, with the help of the information provided I realize that people can enroll for treatment and begin the process of recovery at any stage. Adopting these new pieces of knowledge was particularly difficult at first, since they disregarded numerous narratives that became familiar to me through media and firsthand accounts while supporting the concept of hitting ‘rock bottom’. To embrace the research-based knowledge of recovery as the multifaceted process that it is, and to acknowledge the value of earlier intervention before serious damage is done.
I did not have any firsthand experience with teen mothers, and my knowledge of this myth was based on what I saw in movies and heard from friends. This is true in most of the movies, TV series, and some real-life biographies I came across where rock bottom was a pivotal moment for change in people who used substances. These stories focused on visions of dire situations as the sufficient conditions for help, whereas less sensational accounts of incremental improvement or preventative measures were not seen as relevant. Further, substance use disorders were socially stigmatized which exacerbated this thinking by asserting that one must suffer the consequences of their actions before receiving assistance (Walden University, LLC. 2023).
Organizing my knowledge: As a future social worker I envision myself always searching for the latest and most accurate information that I can obtain from trustworthy sources only and participating in further education. This includes being informed with the current literature, participating in professional development sessions and being able to assess the information that I come across. Discussing ideas with fellow students and teachers, as well as participating in case discussions, will allow for questioning of misconceptions and honing of knowledge. Additionally, I will ensure that I listen to the day-to-day stories of those in recovery to get an in-depth perception of the different self-help recovery models, which will also be an addition to my understanding of the research-informed practices.
This way, by being skeptical in my thinking and constantly challenging and adapting my beliefs, I can be a useful support to those in need. This lack of homogeneity and dispelling of myths such as the ‘rock bottom’, are crucial to establishing an open and enabling framework of social work practice.
Walden University, LLC. (2023). Exploring myths and facts: Substances, substance use
disorders, and treatment. Retrieved from course materials.
Zuleika Rosa
Walden Uniersity
Analysis of Individual and Interpersonal Factors in Substance Use Disorder
Tyler Johnson is a 22-year-old male college student who presented to the emergency department following acute alcohol intoxication and was referred for treatment. A student at the college, Tyler occasionally engages in alcohol intake through the members of the on-campus fraternity group through weekly parties over the weekends. During his childhood, Tyler observed that alcoholic beverages were often served on the family table; his father and grandad had significantly elevated levels of alcohol consumption. In addition to this, the elder sister to Tyler who was engaged in substance abuse died from a car accident while being under the influence of alcohol and this also shows that there is a cyclical nature of substance abuse in this family.
Dahlgren-Whitehouse model defines three significant internal layers driving health outcomes: Constitutional factors include age, sex, and genetic predisposition, while voluntary measurements include personal lifestyles and community interactions. These layers interact with each other and provide a comprehensive framework within which virtually all the aspects that have influenced Tyler to develop a substance use disorder will be examined.
Age, sex, and constitutional factors
Tyler is 22 years old, and alcohol consumption is usually high, especially among young individuals within this age group. Maturity is another reason why young adults are more likely to indulge in risky behaviors like binge drinking due to the following developmental issues: Autism of the brain, particularly the prefrontal cortex, which is closely associated with decision-making ability and control of impulses is not fully developed. Another factor that may contribute to risk predisposition in Tyler is his male sex, which, according to numerous studies, implies higher probabilities of heavy drinking and AUD development as compared to the female sex. In addition, the family history of his father and grandfather holding large amounts of alcohol is evidence of alcohol dependency heredity in his family. Furthermore, based on the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (2022), genetic factors are estimated to predispose for AUD at a 50%-60% rate, which makes Tyler vulnerable.
Individual Lifestyle Factors
Other personal relevant aspects that directly influence Tyler’s use of alcohol include the fraternity culture of the individual lifestyle. This continues since fraternities also connect heavy drinking with numerous social functions, thus increasing the exposure and pressure. This is further supported by his upbringing where alcohol was a norm during family occasions, especially when taking meals. Such factors indicate that environmental factors and Tyler’s lifestyle choices have influenced him to perceive drinking alcohol as a normal and acceptable affair. Further, Tyler may not have appropriate coping strategies as evidenced by his emergency department visit; he may be using alcohol to cope with stress or emotions.
Social and Community Networks
Tyler’s fraternity and his circle of friends encourage the use of alcohol and excessive use at that. Observing the behavior of other people in these networks can exert pressure to adhere to the group standards, thus making it hard to regulate the consumption of alcohol. In addition, the dynamics of Tyler’s family also contribute significantly to the plot. High Alcohol Use is made normal through his family’s alcohol consumption while his sister’s death as an alcohol-related consequence portrays the possible unaddressed familial trauma. Cumulatively, all the social and community factors establish a culture that not only condones but also actively encourages alcohol consumption and abuse (Dahlgren & Whitehead, 2021).
Further diagnostics to consider and DSM-5-TR convergence
To further specify the diagnostic assessment, it is possible to refer to the “Other Specified” category presented in the DSM-5-TR regarding Tyler’s case. This category allows clinicians to attend to diseases that may not conform to all aspects of a diagnosable disease but present important symptoms that need medical attention. It may be relevant to use “Other Specified” here for Tyler if his alcohol use behavior does not qualify as AUD but he is severely impaired. The other criteria of impulsivity captured in the DSM-5-TR also support her behavior since binge drinking entails a lack of control over one’s actions. Exploring this association may contribute to improving the diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic management of individuals with both substance use and potentially deficient impulse-control disorders accurately.
It is possible to use the Dahlgren-Whitehead Model to introduce how AUD has emerged in the context of Tyler Johnson, particularly concerning the pathways between individual and interpersonal factors. These will all affect Tyler making them vulnerable; to genetic susceptibility factors, lifestyle factors, and social settings. These will all require a complex intervention that addresses each of his specific situations, from teaching him the healthy ways to handle stress to encouraging him to have good friends and families and exploring his and his family’s genetic predispositions. It is within this complex matrix where social workers as well as other human service providers would also be well equipped to assist individuals like Tyler deal with substance use disorders.
Dahlgren, G., & Whitehead, M. (2021). The Dahlgren-Whitehead model of health determinants:
30 years on and still chasing rainbows. Public Health, 199, 20–24.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. (2022). Risk factors: Varied vulnerability
to alcohol-related harm. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/health-professionals-
Amella Abraham Case Study
Zuleika Rosa
Walden University
Amella Abraham Case Study
Amella is a 16-year-old African American transgender, who is living in Jackson, Mississippi with her parents and three older brothers. Based on her information, her transgender identity has been a point of distress and tension, especially with her conservative religious parents, and her brother. She has faced exclusion and bullying both at school and home, an issue that has contributed to her emotional distress. Amella has developed a vaping habit in her attempt to cope with feelings of rejection and loneliness, which has grown to be problematic, with her not focusing in class and getting into trouble.
The Dahlgren-Whitehead Model of health determinants is crucial for understanding or determining the broader community and environmental factors, that might have contributed to Amella's substance use disorder. Based on the model, factors that affect an individual's health include out-layers that represent the broader societal influences and highlight how different factors beyond personal behavior can contribute to development (Dahlgren & Whitehead (2021). In this case, out layers such as Amella's living and working conditions, including the general cultural, socio-economic, and environmental conditions, are crucial in understanding how the client's community and environment contribute to her substance use disorder.
Living and working conditions are daily life conditions, which include social interaction, family dynamics, and education. Based on Amella's case, her social interactions at school are minimal, and she is said to have difficulty developing meaningful friendships. Facing social rejection leads to a sense of alienation, and connecting through online communities such as video gaming provides a temporary sense of relief. However, relying on an online community for acceptance and support can contribute to substance abuse as a coping strategy for real-world experiences. Amella's home provides an unhealthy environment as she does not receive the acceptance or support she needs to thrive as a member of LGBTQ or transgender adolescents. According to Malpas et al, (2022), a supportive family environment is significant for LGBTQ teenagers or young people as it provides a sense of belonging, acceptance, and validation, significant for mitigating mental health challenges and stress that might reduce the possibility of using substances as a coping mechanism. In this case, Amella's conflict with her brothers and her parent's ignorance complicates her situation further leading to feelings of isolation, and anxiety, which she tries to manage through vaping. The school environment is also a major contributor to her substance use disorder because not only does she face physical and cyberbullying due to her gender identity, but she is also surrounded by guardians or teachers who share cultural and religious values, which further marginalize her.
General socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental conditions as highlighted by Dahlgren & Whitehead (2021) focus on the broader cultural and societal context such as community attitudes, cultural and religious values, and economic conditions. In Amella's case, she lives in an area with strong religious and conservative values, which play a major role in her struggle. For instance, Amella is surrounded by religious people, from her parents to teachers and her family business worker. This indicates that the community disapproves of LGBTQ, therefore the prevalent religious and cultural attitude or stigma surrounding transgender directly contributes to Amella's psychological and emotional distress, increasing her risk of substance abuse as a coping mechanism. Additionally, based on the report, Amella's family owns a small business intending to revive the Farish Street historic district, which might be a stressor on her parents financially, therefore diverting their attention from the daughter's emotional needs. This combined with the bullying and rejection she experiences creates an environment, where her emotional needs are overlooked. As such, these factors provided a nuanced nature of substance use disorder, indicating the significance of creating an inclusive, and supportive environment for vulnerable people such as Amella.
Dahlgren, G., & Whitehead, M. (2021). The Dahlgren-Whitehead model of health determinants: 30 years on and still chasing rainbows. Public health, 199, 20-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2021.08.009
Malpas, J., Pellicane, M. J., & Glaeser, E. (2022). Family-based interventions with transgender and gender expansive youth: systematic review and best practice recommendations. Transgender Health, 7(1), 7-29. https://doi.org/10.1089/trgh.2020.0165