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Compare and contrast the core Scrum roles from those of traditional project management

In this assignment, you will compare and contrast the core Scrum roles from those of traditional project management. The Scrum roles and how they interact with each other have a direct impact on the success of a project. Understanding the roles and how they compare to traditional project manager roles will help clarify the differences between agile and traditional projects.


• Summarize the roles of the product owner, the Scrum master, and the product owner.

• Compare and contrast the Scrum roles and a traditional project manager.

• Provide an example of an agile project versus a traditional project: o Describe the two projects. o Explain how the different roles function specifically within each project.

Assignment Guidelines:

• Three pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference page.

• APA format, including in-text citations for referenced works.

• At least two resources.

Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

PMG652 – Agile Project Management w/Scrum Marketing

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