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Consumer Behaviour Research plan

Deliverable #5: Consumer Behaviour Research Plan • Each group will submit a written report of the market research plan to examine the consumer behavior of the chosen market segment(s) from the STP analysis o The research plan must include the following: ▪ Exploratory research on your market segment(s) using secondary research • Develop an understanding of your market segment(s) and its consumer behavior • Identify consumer behaviour dynamics through secondary research. • Based on what you learned, indicate whether you will make any refinements to your target audience ▪ Research Plan for primary research • The research plan must include the following: o Both qualitative and quantitative primary market research tools o Research methodology plan for each tool: ▪ Which research tool will be used ▪ What is your objective ▪ Who will be researched ▪ Who will perform the research ▪ When will the research take place ▪ How will the research be performed ▪ Sample size ▪ Date/time/location of research ▪ Any other details on methodology the team wants to share • Criteria of evaluation for each chosen tool: o Appropriate selection of qualitative or quantitative tool o Thorough research plan o Adequately developed research plan ▪ Detailed Research instruments • For each market research tool you will be using, provide the actual detailed research instrument. For example, if you are doing a survey you must provide the actual survey with questions, scales, etc. For example, if you are performing interviews you must provide your interview guide with actual questions. • Criteria for evaluation for each tool: o The market research instrument has been properly developed o Quality of the questions that have been developed o Relevance of the questions that have been developed o Has the research tool been properly developed so that it will yield quality research that can be used in the project COVID-19 acknowledgement: Although we have been permitted to be out in the public with “caution”, some students may still not feel comfortable engaging with the public for the purposes of market research. The following is a recommendation on how to complete your market research activities: 1) Consider an online survey sent to each team members social media contacts: (see guideline below). 2) Conduct a “limited” in-person primary research survey, ideally in an outdoor setting and cautionary wearing of face masks. A simple web-based survey (5-8 questions) is recommended for your primary research section. This can be done in conjunction with your Consumer Behaviour Research Plan development. Each team is encouraged to develop the survey and gain approval from the instructor prior to releasing. Once approved by the instructor, each team member is encouraged to use their social media, email platforms to invite participation. It is recommended that the survey be open for a maximum of a 2-week period, allowing time for the team to analyze the results and develop recommendations for the marketing plan. In your survey please avoid collecting names of people, birthdates (age range is OK), or any other personal information, as well you should not include the name of the client within the survey, unless it is used as part of a product selection/awareness option only. Please include the following statement within the introduction of the survey. This survey is being administered for a marketing project being conducted by students at KPU. The information collected is not personalized and will not be tracked or analyzed to an individual level. The data is for research purposes only. Participation is purely voluntary. Note: You are still required to complete all the other recommendations for the research plan, which includes identifying other primary research tools you may recommend. Also see Deliverable #7 instructions below on what should be included in the Final Report on the consumer behavior research plan • Peer evaluations will be administered for this deliverable. Research for Consumer Behaviour Research Plan • This is a group assignment. Research and analysis are required on everyone’s part – no exceptions • You will be required to research the organization in depth. The company website (includes multiple pages on the website, social media sites) counts as one source. The Q&A session with the client site counts as one source. • Sources may include, but are not be limited to: ● primary research: qualitative and quantitative research ● Segmentation tools such as Prizm5, Simply Analytics, Vividata, Stats Canada, etc. ● library resources and databases (CBCA, Business Source Complete, etc.) ● ● ● ● newspaper, magazine articles, books company website: blog, public relations, investor relations branded content such as YouTube Channel, Facebook, Twitter secondary research: statistics Canada, published industry research and studies Details from your research can be included in a section for appendices at the end of the submission. You must reference your appendices if you are using information in the main body of your report. The range and variety of sources you use will be considered for grading. The extent and use of external research will be considered for grading. Apply meaningful, in-depth analysis – you should use the ideas from research. Also, the full use of theory, well applied will be considered when grading – must use many relevant concepts & theories as covered in class lectures and the textbook Structure of Your Work You must use APA-style for citations and references. Marks will be deducted throughout if APA-style is not used correctly or at all. To learn more about APA-style your group can book a session with the library. There are also resources posted to the course Moodle site. ● The following library link provides detailed instructions and examples of how to format, outline and reference your quotes, content and any other material taken from other sources. ● Citation, formatting, reference, table of context – must be APA style ● Appendix must be labeled & numbered (where applicable) ● Headings and subheadings are required ● Ideas should be logically organized and flow for clarity Expectations for Communication of Ideas: ● Correct English/grammar, professional format. Up to 100 % of a project’s assigned grade may be lost for non-professionalism – (limited readability, weak spelling, poor grammar, lack of neatness, disorderly visuals, poorly organized, not stapled, failure to follow project instructions, etc.) ● Proofread work and attention to detail for a professional submission. ● Do not use the first person (singular or plural) ● Avoid use of jargon or slang ● No personal bias, editorial comments (personal opinions), or personal anecdotes ● All graphs/charts/tables must be properly labeled and introduced or explained through summary sentences ● Combination of prose and point form is acceptable where appropriate ● Use of acronyms are acceptable but must be properly introduced before further usage ● Proper use and application of marketing terminology as covered in the course *Submissions are expected to be professional, formatted correctly, edited extensively, and proofread repeatedly*

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